Some may not know or have heard a bit, but North Korea and South Korea are on some kinda biff up about something. I didn't hear much on the news, but read online (more like scan through the article), however Mum was frantically saying "Don't go they are at War," "Change your flight to Hong Kong instead..." bla bla bla...Didn't hear anything else.
Apologies to Mum, but actually snapped at her saying that I was getting annoyed about the "war this; war that." Anyway haven't heard much, except for the up-coming royal wedding of Prince Williams and Katie Middleton. BORING.
On a funny note, Dad goes to me..."Well if so, that means you can be part of history." Then I go into a 100 year old granny impression saying..."Back in my day....." Then Mum added "Well take pictures if they are missilling each-other." XD. Reached the Interanational section of the Brisbane Airport and family decided to come along with me just in case it got delayed. So I go and check in my bag, then ask at the service counter if I have a complimentary overnight stay in Seoul (as I have a 20hr layover there before heading to Paris), and yes I have. Yay! Thank you Korean Air.
When that was organised we all sat down to have something to eat. Can't get enough of Red Rooster Chips. It seems that I always have it whenever I head over to the airport (and remincising back in the days). Have 45mins till boarding said a quick farewell to family and then headed downstairs to customs and boarding flight. Never got the chance to have a look at the Duty Free because I had less than 10mins before boarding.
Went through to Gate80 and headed to the concourse connecting to the plane into Row 50C. Yes! I have an aisle seat. I prefer aisle seats now than windows. A good thing about window seat is the view you see when you take off and touch down (unless your flight takes off at night). Then the hassel of saying "sorry/excuse me" to head to the restroom or just walking round the aisle so you don't get DVT (deep vein thrombosis)... and that the aisle you get access to the food and drinks cabin hosts bring around tehehe.
Korean Air - I have been on Korean Air 8 years ago and personally, I like Korean Air. The Ecomony (regardless you get premium economy or not) I feel you have more space and I the seats have very nifty screen to watch movies, cartoons (currently watching Despicable Me), games and seeing how far the plane is travelling etc... .
Ha! Now I'm watching a French film called L' Arnacoeur. Looks interesting ooh and theres Romain Duris (from Spanish Apartment). Learing my 'listening' skills in French. It feels as if I have been on this flight for a long time and it's only been 2 hours of sitting on my 'cul.' About time I move about now. Do those leg stretches, deep breathing exercises, just like patients at work..Work???I shouldn't be thinking about work!
"D'accord, a bientot tout le monde." V.
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