After breakfast, Uncle Sam kindly showed me around the area where he and his family lives. He lives in an apartment resort with a gym, hot spa, pool, tennis court, small putt putt golf and a place to just go for your morning jog or walk. He has a nice small place which is good, because you really don't need to have an enormous place (even though Americans love everything HUGE!)
After our walk, we headed back home to get ready to head out to the Town Mall Square. First it was Wal-mart to get something (I can never get away from a WAL-MART!....) then headed to the Town Mall Square. It is like Santuary Cove place in the Gold Coast and big. So Uncle Sam and Auntie Lani let us go window shopping and shopping of course...and how I stumbled upon yet another Victoria Secrets (...another place I can never get away from!)
So we spent about 3hours or so then headed back to....Wal-mart..seriously I really can't deter away from that W store! Ha! Before heading back home where Uncle Sam cooked my favourite Filopino meal - Palabok...then enjoyed watching 30-Something with my cousins before heading to bed at 2am!
[Monday November 30th]
Got woken up by some piercing beeping alarm at 7am cause someone was cooking something to a point it hit the fire alarm! Geez!....I managed to get back to sleep, and then woke up at 10:30am again. The smell was amazing so I go to the kitchen to say hello to my Uncle, but he wasn't there, however spotted a rather large bamboo steamer! "Morning my Anak!" I hear from the bedroom.
Yet more food.....breakfast for BLT and Puto! Okay its also the Spanish slang for something but in the Philippines it is also a name of a snack (click on the word "puto" to find out) Its delicious made out of rice. Uncle has cooked another restaurant style sandwich!
Headed back home were yet again had another wonderful snack of Uncle Sam's famous Hot Chicken Wings YUM and and good ol' Bud Light beer, which I beat my Uncle drinking. I drank 5 and 1/7th bottles..BORRACHA MUCH???? And happen to get on to Facebook..before I passed out on the bed at 130am.
[Tuesday Dec 1]
First day of winter in USA and 1st day of Summer in Australia! Thank you too everyone who greeted me via Facebook and text...made my day. So yes it was my 26th birthday...exaggerating that I'm getting older and need Botox..STAT! Kidding. Suprisingly I didn't get a hangover from the night before, which is good....and then yet again had more food of bacon, potato pieces and rice..Sarap! My cousin Lordgene 'wagged' school as we unoffically declared that today was a public holiday - Vivian Day! :P
Uncle Sam took us to his best friend's place to visit for a while, before heading to Jacksonville Downtown, saw the Jacksonville Jaguars stadium (friggen HUGE, however they Jaguars apparently weren't doing well this season or so I heard) and the Landing before having a lovely frappachino from Starbucks (it ain't Amercia if you don't have a Starbucks!) before heading to her sister's school to pick her up before heading back home....well not exactly more stop to Wal-mart THEN home.
My final meal was Pork spare Ribs. YUMMMMMMMMMM! It was delicious of course. While having dinner their family friend Ronald came by to have dinner with us....
Ron - "Did you cook this?"
Uncle Sam - "Nah I brought it from TGI Fridays......[pauses]...."
Lordgene well all of us "nah he's kidding he cooked it"
Ron - "bull!"
Uncle Sam did cook the ribs, but since its like top quality and looks like something you've ordered from TGIFridays, Uncle did cook the ribs...if you tasted wouldn't know the difference!
My trip to Florida was so full of yummy goodness and good memories....! Next and final stop is I come!
Until then..
V x
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