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Last Day in Hastings, Clive and Napier
Last day for me in Hastings and Napier in Hawke's Bay. It is a bummer when you are only beginning to get use to the routine and different time zones, not that its a huge difference with Brisbane and Auckland/Napier/Hastings (Brisbane only 3 hours behind). Bec & Matt got up early to do their morning Run/Rowing, however I was zonked out from the wedding reception and sunday bbq and didn't hear them, nor did I hear some big 'thud' that happened on the roof round 3am. Woke up when my alarm went off at 8am. I didn't mean to give Bec a fright when I greeted her "Good Morning"....LOL. I had a shower and got some of my things packed and Bec prepared a good breakfast of porridge. Simon Lack, Matt and Matt's brother were sitting in the lounge chatting about rowing and everything in between well mostly about sports really, (hey what else do men talk about) then Garland got up & joined in with the convo. Had a yummy breaky (thanks Bec) and a cuppa coffee. After Bec took me on a tour of my old hometown - Napier and Hastings. It was such a trip down memory lane. Firstly went to Napier's Marine Parade and the stores there. Made my last stop to Kilt store, and yes I had to buy something from there. Kilt had amazing accessories & unique jewelleries. I miss the place already. Afterwards, went to Marine parade and the rather stoney Westshore beach. Took more touristy photos. There was sand but like only 2cm then below it was gravel & stones. Went back to Bec's car and she took me to where I use to live in Guppy Road, and the same road, where we both went to the same primary school - Reignier Primary, the Church we all went to in Grade 4, where we lined up in twos on the way to the Church. The Church now looks so small..well duh Viv, you've grown up! After Bec drove through Taradale, Greenmeadows and the old place where she use to live in, in Onekawa, and then finally a scenic drive along the beach on the way to Hastings to a very good ice creamery - Rush Munros. Bec & I both had Feijoa ice cream. It was so delicious..we stayed there for a while, eating our ice cream and talking about the good ol' days at primary school and the people we remember or didn't remember, before heading to Portman's Motel to say my final goodbyes to Bec's parents...then went back to Bec's place in Clive, was in a bit of a hurry, due to the fact we spent just a tad bit longer @ Rush Munros (whoops!). I said my farewell to Andy and Garland before heading to the car. On the they to the airport, just a mere 400 metres from their place Matt goes "TOGS!" so Bec did a U-turn to head back home, apologised to me that they had to go back to get it and they both zoomed back home to get their swimwear..on the way to the Airport, final farewell to Matt and then Bec jokingly goes Bye Matt, as she helped me w/ my luggage to the check-in. Stayed for a bit, and also bumped into one of her relatives also boarding the same flight as me to Auckland. Thank yous, farewells and safe trip before Bec and Matt headed to a road trip and a short stay in Taupo. I go in the plane....a 50min flight back to Auckland. Reached Auckland Domestic airport at 2pm, got my luggage from the conveyor belt thing (oh how it is SO tempting to take a bit of a ride on it!) to outside to wait for the bus, god I felt like a dork, asking the bus drivers if it stopped to my hotel destination before I went back to the terminal and ask about Ventura Inn shuttle Bus. Dork I am. I finally made it to my Hotel. Probably a 15min drive from the airport (give/take traffic to and from the airport). Not too shabby but it was good for an overnight stay and for a very early flight back to Brisbane. Room 211 it was good, though my view was the motorway and some freight storage place. Saw in the brochure there was 'High speed internet for NZ$9.50' for a 24hour period and I thought it was "Sweet as!" So I go back to reception to pay and get my pass word for it..ah I loved my room oh and internet! As you know I spent a while on my dear ol' Facebook and watching some music videos and shows on the TV. It was 6pm and decided to venture out to get some kai, cause I was so hungry, I didn't eat since breakfast. I had a choice of A) pub food @ er a Pub which was a 5min walk from the Hotel or B) a taxi ride to the Mall/Supermarket...well you guessed what option I took....PUB FOOD. So with my iTouch, strolled in a windy, cold Auckland Road to Toby's Jug Pub (not exactly sure the full name of the pub but it did say "Toby)..and it was my exercise for the day! And ordered a jug of cola cola (I layed off the alcoholic drinks) and
Lamb Shanks on top of mashed potatoes, gravey with mushrooms and salad. It was delicious. Then I ventured back to the hotel for more tv surfing, facebooking and re-packing my things in my suitcase. Gosh packing is such a Bitch! *Grrr!* Until then...Adios
V x
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