November 26th is Thanksgiving Day in America...I honestly don't know the history behind thanksgiving (because I live in Australia!) However for an Australian celebrating Thanksgiving, it just feels like the 'pre-Christmas Celebration before the actual Christmas lunch/dinner on Christmas Day.'
My understanding is just an American tradition to stuff your face with turkey, stuffing, desserts, drinks and sharing time with dear family and friends from
all over the USA or anywhere in the world. Okay so like I said I don't know the American history of Thanksgiving...but as far as I know it was some kinda tea ceremony somewhere in the east coast of America and some other place and some Indians...yea something like that. Hrm..I may have too google what Thanksgiving is.
I was sharing the bedroom w/ my cousin and I hear the alarm go at 6am, to help out with the turkey...then Uncle Joseph thought it was too early to start so they started cooking round 730am....while they were doing that, I was still asleep then my alarm goes off round 830am. Auntie Beth wen into my room and said that I can go back to sleep and they can wake me up when its closer to I re-setted my alarm again to 1030am and then watched the TV in bed, watching George Lopez, some random movie before Michelle came upstairs to tell me to switch it to channel 7 - The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City live....then I slept again.....
1030am..alarm goes, I get up, have a shower and greet my Uncle, Auntie and cousins Michelle and Josh...MMmmmm the turkey smells so goodddddddddd! I laze around for a while before Josh and Michelle's sister Lucia arrives.
1200pm..lunchtime..nope not just yet, Michelle and Uncle Joseph busily mixing, adding etc to whatever they were cooking and I go and help Auntie Beth set the table..oh gosh my stomach is going to eat itself. I didn't even have
any breakfast because I was waiting ever so patiently for lunch.
130pm...nope still not eating..stomachs churning and grumbling actually all of us were so hungry that we started either picking on some food to nibble on or eating a traditional filipino snack made out of rice and chocolate coated poulveron (powdered sweet snack). Then round about 230pm we finally ate.
Had to say what part of the turkey we wanted, I wanted the 'drumstick' - turkey legs and was my favourite part of the turkey YUM. It was HUGE (do see my DC album on Facebook if you want to see how big the turkey leg is). Had
salad, mashed potatoes (it was delcious!), sweet potatoes, cranberry jelly/sauce, gravey, beans, corn oh how delicious it was....30mins in the meal we were all getting full. Despite that we still nibbled on bits of the turkey, corn beans etc to the point were we couldn't eat no longer. YES Thanksgiving is stuffing your face until you actually die!
From all the turkey and food. It was a stuggle to get up from the chair. Joshua started playing the his PC game, Auntie Beth went downstairs in the basement, talking on the phone (then passing out on the couch there), Uncle Joseph watching the NFL while Lucia, Michelle and I were still in the dining room, talking and didn't want to get out of our chairs for another
40mins. OH MY so full...I quietly died.
Josh later played the wii Resort and Godfather and then Lucia, Michelle and I finally went slowly to the living room to watch Josh play some wii before watching tv. We were all talking before we slowly, like dominos passed out....
zzzzz......I woke up intermittently to see who survived....Josh just quietly playing the Godfather, Uncle and Auntie asleep upstairs and Lucia and Michelle on the chair and couche respectively - asleep....then I went back to sleep
We all woke up round 730ish pm, still full we all went out to D.C to go night sightseeing of the Lincoln Memorial,
Thomas Jefferson monument and a drive round DC, before heading back home...for more food T-T
...I still died....
Until then
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Obama's Crib
It was a nice stroll in Washington DC's Smithsonian Museums...on a rather overcast and cold mid-morning. Firstly my auntie dropped me off near Pennsylvania Avenue to a rather well-known place - the White House a.k.a Obama's crib (a pity I didn't get the chance to say "G'day from Australia" to the Baracks). Then my auntie picked me up again then found a place to park before heading to the National Art Gallery, for some reason we rushed through some of the find is the Food Court? lol yes we were hungry, so we sat, chatted and ate. Afterwards said our goodbyes (as my auntie had to head home as she had night duty) and left me to galavant round the mall. I roamed round the East and West side of the Smithsonian Art Gallery and then went out to go to the Museum of Natural History. Fabulous. Museums here are huge and convientently close by, the Air and Space Museum, Art Galleries, Natural Museum and others. The park in between the buildings, you get to see the Washington Monument (a.k.a the Pencil Monument) then on the opposite side is the U.S. Capitol Building. After the art gallery, I go to the National Museum of Natural History, which if you do go in there it may remind you of the movie 'Night at the Museum.'
Monday, November 23, 2009
Flying again....
Time for me to say my final goodbye to New York. *WAHHH!* The Shuttle bus takes me to JFK airport $US20 plus tip >.< had a quick breakfast at Au Bon Pain of Oatmeal and cuppa tea. Flight at 1025am and 55mins later I am in Washington DC.
After getting my luggage and phoned my uncle that I am here. Four minutes later caught up with my Auntie, Uncle and cousins. Its so awesome to catch up with them that I haven't seen them for 7years!
After picking me up we went to a Vietnamese Restaurant to get some food before heading to their cute house to eat. After got ready again to head to West Virginia/Maryland to a Vacation house.
A 3hour drive, which I slept most of the way and then the JET LAG hit me! OUCH Damn Jet Lag. So we caught up with their friends at the vacation house. the Vacation house is amazing. I will show pictures soon. I slept most of the time, sleeping off my jet lag and had Advil pain killer then had some food and then watched movies w/ my cousins. It was so nice to relax. Played fuseball and lost hahah but all in all it was fun.
The next morning all of us had a walk near the lake and took more photo before departing to go home. Ahh home sweet home. Tomorrow (Monday for me here in the USA) I will be heading to the good ol' Museums in DC.
Until then...
After getting my luggage and phoned my uncle that I am here. Four minutes later caught up with my Auntie, Uncle and cousins. Its so awesome to catch up with them that I haven't seen them for 7years!
After picking me up we went to a Vietnamese Restaurant to get some food before heading to their cute house to eat. After got ready again to head to West Virginia/Maryland to a Vacation house.
A 3hour drive, which I slept most of the way and then the JET LAG hit me! OUCH Damn Jet Lag. So we caught up with their friends at the vacation house. the Vacation house is amazing. I will show pictures soon. I slept most of the time, sleeping off my jet lag and had Advil pain killer then had some food and then watched movies w/ my cousins. It was so nice to relax. Played fuseball and lost hahah but all in all it was fun.
The next morning all of us had a walk near the lake and took more photo before departing to go home. Ahh home sweet home. Tomorrow (Monday for me here in the USA) I will be heading to the good ol' Museums in DC.
Until then...
The Big Apple Baby!
I woke up early (if you call 9am early so I can venture out to the Big Apple. New the reception area there was coffee, bread buns and muffins (blueberry yum!) so I had a quick breakfast before I headed out. My journey started @ the Da Vinci Hotel - 56th street and with my trusty map (thank you so much New York map!) i followed the directions towards 42nd street! Times Square/Broadway. My aim was not to take any transportation except for walking. If I had more days in New York, I would have ventured in all the places, however since its a huge city, I only was in the top/mid part of Manhattan...but still I have walked a hell-of-a-lot estimated about 9hours of walking. I didn't think of getting taht good ol' metro or NY Taxi, but decided not to and be a cheapie instead. Hehehe.
It was amazing watching people. People watching - people going to work, exercising, people of all different age, race, last minute garbage collecting, and of course people like me - tourist, taking snap shots and videos of this great city. Some people trying to entice me to take the New York Sightseeing Double Decker bus, I say 'No, thank you' and kept walking and snapping away there (with my camera that is). I reach Times Square..Wow! Wicked! Mixture of all the moving advertising billboards and broadway of new shows such as "Shrek the Musical," "Chicago," "Mary Poppins" and many more. I wish I went to watch a show, but time was pressing on me so I needed to see more of New York. Later I went to the PABT - Port Authority Bus Terminal which had the closest Post Office to send postcards, then after headed back to 40th street and ended up at Byrant Park. A small park it is nice as it also had some li' stalls and food/drink stalls and an ice rink, where I also took more photos and brought a nice Hot Chocolate from a stall called Choco Loco..yum!
I lookrf sy my yimr sfn iy esd only 10am, gosh time's going s-l-o-w, then I ventured onto 5th street to see the St Peter's Cathedral. it's such a beautiful church, I went in and sat quietly and say my prayers for a bit (okay I seldomly go to church, however at times I just need to take some time to say a prayer every now and again) then after decided to lok for the famous Trump Tower (..which I couldn't then realised I passed it - idiot) but eventually ended up at the world's #1 park Central Park. Again it is a HUGE park and I am bummed I couldn't see the Strawberry Fields section, but the part I was reminded me of some parts from movies such as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and Kate and Leopald so I probably stayed for at least 1hr strolling along Central Park, watching more people taking photos, jogging, walking their dogs, walking with their children, ice skating etc, then afterwards I left Central Park then headed back to the city. I ended up on 5th Avenue (well known for shopping esp. Louis Vutton, Tiffany and Co, Abercombie & Finch and co) posh shopping really and while looking round I did eventually find Trump Towers (yes Donald Trumps building) and had a look inside....Oooooo posh!
I was getting rather peckish...but alas I had to go into the stores on 5th avenue. OMG the stores are just like one big Myer Centre...just imagine Myers had its own store but no other stores was big! Apple Store was awesome! I loved it so I ended up looking at Facebook on one of their MACS on display and when the shop assistant said 'enjoy your day' I said to her the store is awesome! Another example is Abercombie & Finch, inside looked like a nightclub, dimmed lights and the music (dance mixes of old 90s er dance music). It was really incredible inside, yes I had to buy something (or 2) in there...and the spending started from there!
I later went to the NBA, Yankee Store and some others before going to the Rockerfeller Center,..oh yea I was hungry! I went over to TGIFridays where I had Jack Daniels Spare Ribs with fries. It was YUM! Then my last stop the Empire state building. $US20 to go up the Observatory Deck and reached I think 100something stories, the view from the top was breathtaking... and cold..very windy! I must have spent a good one hour before souviner shopping and then dinner at MacDonalds opposite. On the way back to 56th street (and a long way) I saw Macy's and OMG VICTORIA SECRETS. The shop's amazing. It wasn't only lingere, there was comectics, perfumes, sleep wear for women..even if you don't buy anything its just nice to have a look around.
I looked at some other stores but I had to resist or else I wouldn't have any more funds to spend in DC, Jacksonville or L.A. Headed home and now packed and ready for my next adventure in Springfield, Virginia and the capita city - Washington DC
Until then...
V x
It was amazing watching people. People watching - people going to work, exercising, people of all different age, race, last minute garbage collecting, and of course people like me - tourist, taking snap shots and videos of this great city. Some people trying to entice me to take the New York Sightseeing Double Decker bus, I say 'No, thank you' and kept walking and snapping away there (with my camera that is). I reach Times Square..Wow! Wicked! Mixture of all the moving advertising billboards and broadway of new shows such as "Shrek the Musical," "Chicago," "Mary Poppins" and many more. I wish I went to watch a show, but time was pressing on me so I needed to see more of New York. Later I went to the PABT - Port Authority Bus Terminal which had the closest Post Office to send postcards, then after headed back to 40th street and ended up at Byrant Park. A small park it is nice as it also had some li' stalls and food/drink stalls and an ice rink, where I also took more photos and brought a nice Hot Chocolate from a stall called Choco Loco..yum!
I lookrf sy my yimr sfn iy esd only 10am, gosh time's going s-l-o-w, then I ventured onto 5th street to see the St Peter's Cathedral. it's such a beautiful church, I went in and sat quietly and say my prayers for a bit (okay I seldomly go to church, however at times I just need to take some time to say a prayer every now and again) then after decided to lok for the famous Trump Tower (..which I couldn't then realised I passed it - idiot) but eventually ended up at the world's #1 park Central Park. Again it is a HUGE park and I am bummed I couldn't see the Strawberry Fields section, but the part I was reminded me of some parts from movies such as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and Kate and Leopald so I probably stayed for at least 1hr strolling along Central Park, watching more people taking photos, jogging, walking their dogs, walking with their children, ice skating etc, then afterwards I left Central Park then headed back to the city. I ended up on 5th Avenue (well known for shopping esp. Louis Vutton, Tiffany and Co, Abercombie & Finch and co) posh shopping really and while looking round I did eventually find Trump Towers (yes Donald Trumps building) and had a look inside....Oooooo posh!
I was getting rather peckish...but alas I had to go into the stores on 5th avenue. OMG the stores are just like one big Myer Centre...just imagine Myers had its own store but no other stores was big! Apple Store was awesome! I loved it so I ended up looking at Facebook on one of their MACS on display and when the shop assistant said 'enjoy your day' I said to her the store is awesome! Another example is Abercombie & Finch, inside looked like a nightclub, dimmed lights and the music (dance mixes of old 90s er dance music). It was really incredible inside, yes I had to buy something (or 2) in there...and the spending started from there!
I later went to the NBA, Yankee Store and some others before going to the Rockerfeller Center,..oh yea I was hungry! I went over to TGIFridays where I had Jack Daniels Spare Ribs with fries. It was YUM! Then my last stop the Empire state building. $US20 to go up the Observatory Deck and reached I think 100something stories, the view from the top was breathtaking... and cold..very windy! I must have spent a good one hour before souviner shopping and then dinner at MacDonalds opposite. On the way back to 56th street (and a long way) I saw Macy's and OMG VICTORIA SECRETS. The shop's amazing. It wasn't only lingere, there was comectics, perfumes, sleep wear for women..even if you don't buy anything its just nice to have a look around.
I looked at some other stores but I had to resist or else I wouldn't have any more funds to spend in DC, Jacksonville or L.A. Headed home and now packed and ready for my next adventure in Springfield, Virginia and the capita city - Washington DC
Until then...
V x
42nd Street,
5th Avenue,
Central Park,
New York,
Times Square,
Trump Tower,
Victoria Secrets
New York @ Night
American Airline flight lands at JFK airport at about 7:35pm. It felt like the plane was so close to the motorway, because the tarmac well it looked like it was close lol...well I guess its dark and my minds all hazy from all that traveling. When I got out of the plane it was straight downstairs to the baggage carousel and then waited for a shuttle bus to take me to my hotel.
Da Vinci hotel is on 244 West 56th Street in Manhattan. It has a European feel when you enter to the receptionist and then room and bathroom as well. It is small, so yet it's perfect for me LOL. So I have a bit of relaxation watching American TV then had a shower before I went outside to get some late dinner. So on my journey, I of course took some pictures and on my travels I saw "The Letterman Show with David Letterman" it is like 2 blocks away from where I am. That is so cool! I went looking around for a bit and saw that I was also close to Broadway. Saw some NYPD cops, that was one of my highlights seeing NYPD cops LOL and chatting in that typical "new yawrk" accent.
New York at night still bustles with cars, taxis, trucks and people. It is mind bloggling at night (as well as day) and all the bright lights, especially near Broadway.
The weather outside isn't too cold. I was able to tolerate it. HA! It's so nice I LOVE NEW YORK. But I know it gets extremely cold.
I don't know why its just so...well I really can't describe why it is such an awesome city, but I recommend taht you all should go to New York someday. Now I will study the map and I can't wait to venture out Friday morning to explore what the Big Apple has to offer.
Until then...
V x
Da Vinci hotel is on 244 West 56th Street in Manhattan. It has a European feel when you enter to the receptionist and then room and bathroom as well. It is small, so yet it's perfect for me LOL. So I have a bit of relaxation watching American TV then had a shower before I went outside to get some late dinner. So on my journey, I of course took some pictures and on my travels I saw "The Letterman Show with David Letterman" it is like 2 blocks away from where I am. That is so cool! I went looking around for a bit and saw that I was also close to Broadway. Saw some NYPD cops, that was one of my highlights seeing NYPD cops LOL and chatting in that typical "new yawrk" accent.
New York at night still bustles with cars, taxis, trucks and people. It is mind bloggling at night (as well as day) and all the bright lights, especially near Broadway.
The weather outside isn't too cold. I was able to tolerate it. HA! It's so nice I LOVE NEW YORK. But I know it gets extremely cold.
I don't know why its just so...well I really can't describe why it is such an awesome city, but I recommend taht you all should go to New York someday. Now I will study the map and I can't wait to venture out Friday morning to explore what the Big Apple has to offer.
Until then...
V x
L.A. transit to New York
I board my Qantas flight from Brisbane International Airport @ 11:40hrs on Thursday 19th. The plane was suppose to fly at 1205, however it took nearly 45 minutes fro the plane to depart from Brisbane, as there were passengers from a PNG flight to come into transit *sigh* so off I go on a 12 hour or so journey to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport if you are not familiar with airport initials).
The flight were wasn't too bad, just a bit of turbulence as the pilots were trying to get on a high altitude to get "tail speed." The food was nice, nicely presented in those tiny trays. Oh how I love airplane food LOL! I watched 3 movies - Up, The Hangover and Marie Antoinette then later slept for prob another 4.5 hours. When I woke it was 1245am on my watching, and still Brisbane time. Just before landing, I looked outside the window. I can't believe I am in L.A!! in my mind I am pinching myself, I am actually in L.A! It's a dream come true and soon I can cross it off my imaginery 'Destination' List (because I haven't really written a list of places I want to go, it's all in my head). The weather beautiful from the plane window.
Touched down round 7am LA time (about 1am Brisbane time). Marvellous day to my start of day!
Strict USA Custom/border Patrol as we all know (just quietly scared) then to the baggage carousel to gt my bag and then a maze through to Terminal 4 for my next flight to New York. I had to also go outside to get to Terminal 4 and outside isn't as cold as I imagined. It was like an early morning autumn weather in Brisbane. Since the LAX is in renovations, it is one huge airport. (Excuse moi mais)Mierda! Shit!
The announcers are both in English and Spanish with some Japanese, depending on what are of the airport I was in! I go to the American Airlines section to get my luggage checked-in andthen through security again for more checking and then to the gate where I will board another plane.
I am sitting at gat 46A waiting to board my flight in about 1hr and 30mins or so. It is another 5hr flight from LAX to JFK Airport in New York and then there is yet another time difference, New York is 3hrts in front of L.A. (damn!) and I am battling this JET LAG and yes its still 19th Thursday. I hope to sleep o my flight to NY I am alert and venture out in the Big Apple.
Until then...
The flight were wasn't too bad, just a bit of turbulence as the pilots were trying to get on a high altitude to get "tail speed." The food was nice, nicely presented in those tiny trays. Oh how I love airplane food LOL! I watched 3 movies - Up, The Hangover and Marie Antoinette then later slept for prob another 4.5 hours. When I woke it was 1245am on my watching, and still Brisbane time. Just before landing, I looked outside the window. I can't believe I am in L.A!! in my mind I am pinching myself, I am actually in L.A! It's a dream come true and soon I can cross it off my imaginery 'Destination' List (because I haven't really written a list of places I want to go, it's all in my head). The weather beautiful from the plane window.
Touched down round 7am LA time (about 1am Brisbane time). Marvellous day to my start of day!
Strict USA Custom/border Patrol as we all know (just quietly scared) then to the baggage carousel to gt my bag and then a maze through to Terminal 4 for my next flight to New York. I had to also go outside to get to Terminal 4 and outside isn't as cold as I imagined. It was like an early morning autumn weather in Brisbane. Since the LAX is in renovations, it is one huge airport. (Excuse moi mais)Mierda! Shit!
The announcers are both in English and Spanish with some Japanese, depending on what are of the airport I was in! I go to the American Airlines section to get my luggage checked-in andthen through security again for more checking and then to the gate where I will board another plane.
I am sitting at gat 46A waiting to board my flight in about 1hr and 30mins or so. It is another 5hr flight from LAX to JFK Airport in New York and then there is yet another time difference, New York is 3hrts in front of L.A. (damn!) and I am battling this JET LAG and yes its still 19th Thursday. I hope to sleep o my flight to NY I am alert and venture out in the Big Apple.
Until then...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Off Again
I am off yet again on another flight and this time to US of A. I am so excited! Woo hoo....I would have love to pack all of you in my suit case, but I guess it would have to be first in first serve >.<
I hope to up-date as frequent and as long as I am in range from a free wi-fi or cheap internet.
Miss you
Until then....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Bye Bye New Zealand..for another 10yrs or so....:P
Midnight I went to bed.....
...wake up call in 4:02am from the reception downstairs as well as from my cell phone alarm, got up, showered and checked my facebook before I packed it up. Went downstairs to have 'compliementary breakfast' of orange juice, boysenberry yoghurt, rice bubbles and peaches. Good breakfast! Back to my room to gather my things then checked out and got into the shuttle bus to Auckland International Airport.
I went to the Pacific Blue section to check in my bag and get my boarding pass. I had a wonderful filipino staff member and he kindly asked me where I wanted to sit either aisle or window - row 1D an aisle seat. After doing all the important stuff, it was time to do last minute shopping. I had to try and spend most of my New Zealand currency (note I do have some left) so I went and brought some small souviners, a book and then after Customs and security check, I went straight to the
Duty Free store and brought ALCOHOL....42 Below Vodka - Feijoa...can't wait to have some when I get home!
Went through to gate 15 to board the plane. Sweet as bro! I got the very front seat, only 3meters away from the pilot's crockpit (is that what it's called?) and close to the door if 'any turbluence or emergency' happens on board! Currently still on the plane....over the pacific ocen and probably 2hrs or so more till I reach Australia soil.
My trip down under, the other down under was a wonderful one. I was so honoured to be Maid of Honor for Rebecca and it is indeed special.
It was an amazing wedding and the places I visited during my short stay in Hawke's Bay was "CHOICE AZZZZ!" I must make frequent trips
and not bloody 10yr trips! Ha.
Then next,.... my USA's gonna be a bloody long one!
Until then....
...wake up call in 4:02am from the reception downstairs as well as from my cell phone alarm, got up, showered and checked my facebook before I packed it up. Went downstairs to have 'compliementary breakfast' of orange juice, boysenberry yoghurt, rice bubbles and peaches. Good breakfast! Back to my room to gather my things then checked out and got into the shuttle bus to Auckland International Airport.
I went to the Pacific Blue section to check in my bag and get my boarding pass. I had a wonderful filipino staff member and he kindly asked me where I wanted to sit either aisle or window - row 1D an aisle seat. After doing all the important stuff, it was time to do last minute shopping. I had to try and spend most of my New Zealand currency (note I do have some left) so I went and brought some small souviners, a book and then after Customs and security check, I went straight to the
Duty Free store and brought ALCOHOL....42 Below Vodka - Feijoa...can't wait to have some when I get home!
Went through to gate 15 to board the plane. Sweet as bro! I got the very front seat, only 3meters away from the pilot's crockpit (is that what it's called?) and close to the door if 'any turbluence or emergency' happens on board! Currently still on the plane....over the pacific ocen and probably 2hrs or so more till I reach Australia soil.
My trip down under, the other down under was a wonderful one. I was so honoured to be Maid of Honor for Rebecca and it is indeed special.
It was an amazing wedding and the places I visited during my short stay in Hawke's Bay was "CHOICE AZZZZ!" I must make frequent trips
and not bloody 10yr trips! Ha.
Then next,.... my USA's gonna be a bloody long one!
Until then....
Last Day in Hastings, Clive and Napier
Last day for me in Hastings and Napier in Hawke's Bay. It is a bummer when you are only beginning to get use to the routine and different time zones, not that its a huge difference with Brisbane and Auckland/Napier/Hastings (Brisbane only 3 hours behind). Bec & Matt got up early to do their morning Run/Rowing, however I was zonked out from the wedding reception and sunday bbq and didn't hear them, nor did I hear some big 'thud' that happened on the roof round 3am. Woke up when my alarm went off at 8am. I didn't mean to give Bec a fright when I greeted her "Good Morning"....LOL. I had a shower and got some of my things packed and Bec prepared a good breakfast of porridge. Simon Lack, Matt and Matt's brother were sitting in the lounge chatting about rowing and everything in between well mostly about sports really, (hey what else do men talk about) then Garland got up & joined in with the convo. Had a yummy breaky (thanks Bec) and a cuppa coffee. After Bec took me on a tour of my old hometown - Napier and Hastings. It was such a trip down memory lane. Firstly went to Napier's Marine Parade and the stores there. Made my last stop to Kilt store, and yes I had to buy something from there. Kilt had amazing accessories & unique jewelleries. I miss the place already. Afterwards, went to Marine parade and the rather stoney Westshore beach. Took more touristy photos. There was sand but like only 2cm then below it was gravel & stones. Went back to Bec's car and she took me to where I use to live in Guppy Road, and the same road, where we both went to the same primary school - Reignier Primary, the Church we all went to in Grade 4, where we lined up in twos on the way to the Church. The Church now looks so small..well duh Viv, you've grown up! After Bec drove through Taradale, Greenmeadows and the old place where she use to live in, in Onekawa, and then finally a scenic drive along the beach on the way to Hastings to a very good ice creamery - Rush Munros. Bec & I both had Feijoa ice cream. It was so delicious..we stayed there for a while, eating our ice cream and talking about the good ol' days at primary school and the people we remember or didn't remember, before heading to Portman's Motel to say my final goodbyes to Bec's parents...then went back to Bec's place in Clive, was in a bit of a hurry, due to the fact we spent just a tad bit longer @ Rush Munros (whoops!). I said my farewell to Andy and Garland before heading to the car. On the they to the airport, just a mere 400 metres from their place Matt goes "TOGS!" so Bec did a U-turn to head back home, apologised to me that they had to go back to get it and they both zoomed back home to get their swimwear..on the way to the Airport, final farewell to Matt and then Bec jokingly goes Bye Matt, as she helped me w/ my luggage to the check-in. Stayed for a bit, and also bumped into one of her relatives also boarding the same flight as me to Auckland. Thank yous, farewells and safe trip before Bec and Matt headed to a road trip and a short stay in Taupo. I go in the plane....a 50min flight back to Auckland. Reached Auckland Domestic airport at 2pm, got my luggage from the conveyor belt thing (oh how it is SO tempting to take a bit of a ride on it!) to outside to wait for the bus, god I felt like a dork, asking the bus drivers if it stopped to my hotel destination before I went back to the terminal and ask about Ventura Inn shuttle Bus. Dork I am. I finally made it to my Hotel. Probably a 15min drive from the airport (give/take traffic to and from the airport). Not too shabby but it was good for an overnight stay and for a very early flight back to Brisbane. Room 211 it was good, though my view was the motorway and some freight storage place. Saw in the brochure there was 'High speed internet for NZ$9.50' for a 24hour period and I thought it was "Sweet as!" So I go back to reception to pay and get my pass word for it..ah I loved my room oh and internet! As you know I spent a while on my dear ol' Facebook and watching some music videos and shows on the TV. It was 6pm and decided to venture out to get some kai, cause I was so hungry, I didn't eat since breakfast. I had a choice of A) pub food @ er a Pub which was a 5min walk from the Hotel or B) a taxi ride to the Mall/Supermarket...well you guessed what option I took....PUB FOOD. So with my iTouch, strolled in a windy, cold Auckland Road to Toby's Jug Pub (not exactly sure the full name of the pub but it did say "Toby)..and it was my exercise for the day! And ordered a jug of cola cola (I layed off the alcoholic drinks) and
Lamb Shanks on top of mashed potatoes, gravey with mushrooms and salad. It was delicious. Then I ventured back to the hotel for more tv surfing, facebooking and re-packing my things in my suitcase. Gosh packing is such a Bitch! *Grrr!*
Until then...
V x
Until then...
V x
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday & Dinner @ the Harrisons
NB:- I am back tracking before the wedding.
Friday was a rather productive day for Bex and the rest of us. Firstly Bex and I had our nails French Manicured from the lovely Catherine Sindon at her beauty salon - Refine in Napier. We went to the same primary school as her, though she was in Room 9. I can't remember her however her name did sound familiar. Just like every girls getting their nails done, there was of course the girly gossip of our old school friend's, what they are up to and all that jazz. Cath did a marvellous
job with our nails...they look oh so pretty :). Afterwards Bec & I went to Napier Mall for our last minute shopping. She brought me earrings to wear for the big day and I brought some postcards to write back to some people over the ditch.
While Bec was driving to and fro Hastings and Napier, I was of course being a front passenger (due to the fact I can't drive Manual Cars! I would have offered to drive but I'm a klutz as I only drive automatics!) I was overwhelmed with how Napier and Hastings is and how it has changed in the past 11years!
Some new shops have sprouted out such as Diva, Dotti, Jay Jays, which I see back home in Brisbane (yes I think Australia is taking over New Zealand Bex Lol). There were some places I remember from my childhood in Napier/Hastings. I remember the clock tower in Hastings, the Hasting's Library, the Acquarium in Napier, the smelly motorway near the sulphuric factory, on the
way to Clive, the main street for shopping and some certain street names.
Oh how memory comes flying back to me and how I remember the good ol' days of my chilidhood, growing up in Hastings & Napier.
The school and how small the place is..and about the weather...I wasn't use to. Oh how I missed Brisbane weather. I really have
forgotten the weather in Napier & Hastings.
Our final stop before heading back to Bec's house was Kilt, which is a Hawke's Bay own and operated store, just a tad pricey but had awesome clothes and accessories. I told Bec "this is now my fave. store in Hawke's Bay." So I shopped there (sorry credit card) and brought shorts, earrings and a clutch bag. I love my new items :) Then we went to her place to get some stuff, before we headed off
to her parent's place @ Portman's Motel.
Later towards the afternoon we had a wedding rehearsals at the Kemblefield Winery, Bec and her family, matt, garland, andy, some other people and me went to help out with some of the setting up of the dining area and a practice session of the ceremony with Father Simon. In between I took more photos - like always of the winery and the setting up of the wedding reception etc. The view of the winery was lovely...a pity we never got to try some wine as we were pressed for time, however there will be more wine to come on the big day!
Since its a tradition not to see either the bride or groom together, Bec & I shared a unit/room @ her Parent's Motel. Unit 1 is where we stayed. After putting our things in the room, we went to her parent's place were I was greeted by her parent's and family friend - Chook & Bushie. I honestly don't know their full story on how they got their name's "Chook & Bushie," yet everyone seems to call them
that! We all started drinking wine.... Then it was all fun and laughter after that!...
Oh the dear stories from Chook & Bushie and the witty comments from Bec's Dad Robert, teasing me about me being vertically challenged :- as in when I was about to go to the kitchen to make my lunch
Robert: "Hello Viv"
Viv: "Hello Rob"
Robert: Come make yourself @ home, Viv, there's stools here for you too stand on! HAHAHA
Mind you I didn't tip-toe to get things I needed, well since all the bread et al were already out. He just loved stirring me up. Funny :P
Anyway was having dinner w/ the Harrisons, Chook and Bushie, wine glasses being topped up and this is were the fun began! Chook & Bushie had funny stories, esp stories about when Bec was a little girl and the random joke Blair blurted out a long time ago. Lets just say my jaws was so sore from all the laughing and at the same time my head was spinning....more wine please! After all the
funny stuff that was going on, Bec and I went back to our unit round 10pm to sleep, the last night before the big day.
Until then...
V x
Friday was a rather productive day for Bex and the rest of us. Firstly Bex and I had our nails French Manicured from the lovely Catherine Sindon at her beauty salon - Refine in Napier. We went to the same primary school as her, though she was in Room 9. I can't remember her however her name did sound familiar. Just like every girls getting their nails done, there was of course the girly gossip of our old school friend's, what they are up to and all that jazz. Cath did a marvellous
job with our nails...they look oh so pretty :). Afterwards Bec & I went to Napier Mall for our last minute shopping. She brought me earrings to wear for the big day and I brought some postcards to write back to some people over the ditch.
While Bec was driving to and fro Hastings and Napier, I was of course being a front passenger (due to the fact I can't drive Manual Cars! I would have offered to drive but I'm a klutz as I only drive automatics!) I was overwhelmed with how Napier and Hastings is and how it has changed in the past 11years!
Some new shops have sprouted out such as Diva, Dotti, Jay Jays, which I see back home in Brisbane (yes I think Australia is taking over New Zealand Bex Lol). There were some places I remember from my childhood in Napier/Hastings. I remember the clock tower in Hastings, the Hasting's Library, the Acquarium in Napier, the smelly motorway near the sulphuric factory, on the
way to Clive, the main street for shopping and some certain street names.
Oh how memory comes flying back to me and how I remember the good ol' days of my chilidhood, growing up in Hastings & Napier.
The school and how small the place is..and about the weather...I wasn't use to. Oh how I missed Brisbane weather. I really have
forgotten the weather in Napier & Hastings.
Our final stop before heading back to Bec's house was Kilt, which is a Hawke's Bay own and operated store, just a tad pricey but had awesome clothes and accessories. I told Bec "this is now my fave. store in Hawke's Bay." So I shopped there (sorry credit card) and brought shorts, earrings and a clutch bag. I love my new items :) Then we went to her place to get some stuff, before we headed off
to her parent's place @ Portman's Motel.
Later towards the afternoon we had a wedding rehearsals at the Kemblefield Winery, Bec and her family, matt, garland, andy, some other people and me went to help out with some of the setting up of the dining area and a practice session of the ceremony with Father Simon. In between I took more photos - like always of the winery and the setting up of the wedding reception etc. The view of the winery was lovely...a pity we never got to try some wine as we were pressed for time, however there will be more wine to come on the big day!
Since its a tradition not to see either the bride or groom together, Bec & I shared a unit/room @ her Parent's Motel. Unit 1 is where we stayed. After putting our things in the room, we went to her parent's place were I was greeted by her parent's and family friend - Chook & Bushie. I honestly don't know their full story on how they got their name's "Chook & Bushie," yet everyone seems to call them
that! We all started drinking wine.... Then it was all fun and laughter after that!...
Oh the dear stories from Chook & Bushie and the witty comments from Bec's Dad Robert, teasing me about me being vertically challenged :- as in when I was about to go to the kitchen to make my lunch
Robert: "Hello Viv"
Viv: "Hello Rob"
Robert: Come make yourself @ home, Viv, there's stools here for you too stand on! HAHAHA
Mind you I didn't tip-toe to get things I needed, well since all the bread et al were already out. He just loved stirring me up. Funny :P
Anyway was having dinner w/ the Harrisons, Chook and Bushie, wine glasses being topped up and this is were the fun began! Chook & Bushie had funny stories, esp stories about when Bec was a little girl and the random joke Blair blurted out a long time ago. Lets just say my jaws was so sore from all the laughing and at the same time my head was spinning....more wine please! After all the
funny stuff that was going on, Bec and I went back to our unit round 10pm to sleep, the last night before the big day.
Until then...
V x
wedding rehearsals
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wine, Cheese & Rowing at the Backyard
NB:- typed prior to the wedding.
After allt he waiting at Auckland Domestic Airport, I finally boarded the flight to Napier. It was only a one hour flight from Auckland to Napier. When I arrived to Napier (Napier Airport is very very...very small). I got out and looked round quickly for Rebecca, before heading to the ladies room (Gosh I was busting after the water and tea from my 1Hr flight!) I then went out and after texted Bec that I was outside. Funny that I missed her inside. Accompanied with her was her fiance's brother's girlfriend Garland. After exchanging greetings we headed to Rebecca and Matt's place in Clive, which is just in between Napier and Hastings.
A cute flat overlooking the "I-can't-remember-the-name-of-the-lake," a paddock with 2 horses and a rowing practicing place. Despite having aroun 40minute sleep in total, since I landed, I was still feeling all right. Eyes still just a tinge of pink, but otherwise was good. [Insert smiley face]. The weather in Clive was sunny with some patches of clouds and a cool breeze. It still felt like a mixture of Melbourne's weather and Brisbane's winter weather...Bec kindly offered Garland & I a glass of wine....
...bring on the wine and cheese!...
Since I am staying in Hawke's Bay, the place reknown for it's vineyards and wineries within it's vicinities and speaking of wineries, Rebecca's Wedding is in a Winery. Very exciting indeed...
...and my journey to all the wine and cheese I can handle during my stay here in Hastings/Napier. Oh ain't life great, great company, wine and cheese. you just can't go wrong.
Until then...
V x
After allt he waiting at Auckland Domestic Airport, I finally boarded the flight to Napier. It was only a one hour flight from Auckland to Napier. When I arrived to Napier (Napier Airport is very very...very small). I got out and looked round quickly for Rebecca, before heading to the ladies room (Gosh I was busting after the water and tea from my 1Hr flight!) I then went out and after texted Bec that I was outside. Funny that I missed her inside. Accompanied with her was her fiance's brother's girlfriend Garland. After exchanging greetings we headed to Rebecca and Matt's place in Clive, which is just in between Napier and Hastings.
A cute flat overlooking the "I-can't-remember-the-name-of-the-lake," a paddock with 2 horses and a rowing practicing place. Despite having aroun 40minute sleep in total, since I landed, I was still feeling all right. Eyes still just a tinge of pink, but otherwise was good. [Insert smiley face]. The weather in Clive was sunny with some patches of clouds and a cool breeze. It still felt like a mixture of Melbourne's weather and Brisbane's winter weather...Bec kindly offered Garland & I a glass of wine....
...bring on the wine and cheese!...
Since I am staying in Hawke's Bay, the place reknown for it's vineyards and wineries within it's vicinities and speaking of wineries, Rebecca's Wedding is in a Winery. Very exciting indeed...
...and my journey to all the wine and cheese I can handle during my stay here in Hastings/Napier. Oh ain't life great, great company, wine and cheese. you just can't go wrong.
Until then...
V x
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Killing Time
Okay so I am still in Auckland International Airport....and I have been here for 6hrs and my next flight to Napier is at 11:30am. Personally Auckland International Airport is err small, well just because I have only been in the Arrivals section of the airport and since majority of the stores were closed (with the exception of Duty Free Store open & the City of Sales Espresso Bar, Samsung net Kiosk and McDonalds) there was well nothing to do. NADA....there were a few people still sitting around when I arrived, but other than that, nothing! A little bit of 'action' happened when arrivals from Santiago, Gold Coast, Hong Kong arrived, (yay more people passing) so i did some Arrival spectating and then my several hours on the internet.
I am doing this to kill time and yes time is going kinda slow... and the sad thing is I keep looking at the time and that ain't helping either! Right now listening to my podcast - 'Funky House London Style' not too bad, keeping me up. Some people waiting for their loved ones to go through the arrivals doors to greet 'em 'welcome back!' and the 'prebooked transportation' guys for their clients to whisk them off to their hotels/backpackers.
The weather is currently 12degrees so yes its friggen cold. Before I was sitting a metre away from the sliding doors and gee the breeze was giving me goosebumps, but at the same time kept me awake while trying to converse on MSN and Facebook Chat. I guess its not too bad but its close to feels like Melbourne weather for me hahaha (sorry folks living in Melb)
okay its time for me to have a 'toilet break' and head over to the 'Domestic Transfer' section.
Until then...
V x
I am doing this to kill time and yes time is going kinda slow... and the sad thing is I keep looking at the time and that ain't helping either! Right now listening to my podcast - 'Funky House London Style' not too bad, keeping me up. Some people waiting for their loved ones to go through the arrivals doors to greet 'em 'welcome back!' and the 'prebooked transportation' guys for their clients to whisk them off to their hotels/backpackers.
The weather is currently 12degrees so yes its friggen cold. Before I was sitting a metre away from the sliding doors and gee the breeze was giving me goosebumps, but at the same time kept me awake while trying to converse on MSN and Facebook Chat. I guess its not too bad but its close to feels like Melbourne weather for me hahaha (sorry folks living in Melb)
okay its time for me to have a 'toilet break' and head over to the 'Domestic Transfer' section.
Until then...
V x
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Travelling with babies and thank god for iPods and Chewing Gum and Randomly Security Search! WTF?
November 11th - My Mum's birthday and the day I leave Brisbane to embark on my 5 wk holiday in Napier, New Zealand and the USA.
First it is New Zealand for a week... .
As I say au revoir to dear Remy on a Wednesday morning, I drive back to Redcliffe to have lunch with my Mum and brother Ray. When I get there I greet Mama a big hug and a 'Happy Birthday' and quickly got ready for lunch at Sizzlers. Some minor photo taking from Mum & me and then time to pig out with the salad buffet and drinks. Afterwards, I dropped Ray to Music, giving him more insults and a hug and then headed home with mum, to shower and get my final stuff into gear (in between facebooking and email checking)....Right time to go..
So...I get a lift to the airport from dad, mum accompanies as well. We left our place round 4pm and driving onto the Gateway Motorway, then to Deagan Devitation..through to Sandgate Road...then once we reached near Toombull Shopping centre, turning left to the free-way to the airport...then hell starts (not too bad! I am only exaggerating)... BLOODY ROAD WORKS AND 4PM TRAFFIC!
I quietly panic inside thinking oh dear I will miss my flight. Damn traffic & roadworks..when will it ever stop oh and Murphy's Law, There that's my vent.
I made it finally in like 1hr and 5mins. Saying our final good byes, Mum was slowling tagging alongside me on the way to the departures section, while Dad was yelling her to get in the car! Yes dear Mum, she's funny, doesn't want to see her li' girl go and taking a final picture of me "going inside the departures area, for her facebook."
So I go do the usual 'check-in' routine, write on the departure custom form, thru to the departure bit and before that *ah!* good ol' security. I go, have my carry-bag scanned, I go through the metal detector and then I get stopped by security, directingme to (well what I thought was an exit), but a little cubicle. YES I WAS Randomly searched. The security custom chick tells me
I have been randomly selected *pfft* I am laughing it off now so I get checked for any 'dangerous' things I may have on my clothes, items and body! WTF??????????????????????????????????? Verdict - I was let go coz I ain't Bin-ladened up.
I go to Gate 77 as my flight - Pacific Blue to Auckland is at 1830hrs....I sit on seat number 23C, an aisle seat, not too bad, I'm tiny anyway so I dont get my elbow hit by the trolley. Like every flight you go to, you will have the cabin crew '
welcoming you to the [insert areoplane name and destination] and the safety procedure if 'at anytime you experience any turberlence or unexpected bla bla...' I swear whenever I go on whatever flight I will memorise the safety procedures.
Thank you Airwaves chewing gum, my ears didn't pop as bad as it use to be whenever I travelled on a plane.When a place ascends, it really feels like its a rollacoaster ride, because of the funny sensation in your stomach, you get when you are ascending up..towards the sky and then its the same feeling when the plane descends on the tarmac.
I was glad I had my iTouch with me throughout the flight, because there was probably about 3 crying babies, screaming, squealing and their respective partents 'shhing' 'em to be quiet. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, other than that it wasn't a bad flight. Reading the Virgin Blue's 100th issue of it's air-flight reading magazine and yes it was an interesting read. I really should have taken it with me coz I could have learnt from good ol' Sir Richard Branson's tips on business (not that I do business) and that "2 out of 3 men thinks that to get attention from women is to be strong and buff" yes that was some small random fact in the
magazine. Good read.
Ten minutes til it descends, I saw the night view of Auckland city. So nice. It is 3hrs in front of Brisbane (1141pm Brisbane and 0241am Auckaland). Once the plane touched down onto the tarmac etc, then finally out of the plane, through to getting the bags from the conveyor belt, customs, I lazily walk with my trolley of luggage to the arrivals section and straight to MacDonalds..Oh how I love thy 24hr internet for 15mins max >.<>
I have another 9hrs to kill in Auckland international Airport before my next flight to Napier. Right now I feel like Tom Hank's character in the movie "The Terminal" 'living' in the airport *laughing*....and note to self, "looking at the time every 2mins isn't going to speed the time its 1130am!".
OMFG I can't believe I've done this, travelling solo and about to see my dear dear friend Rebecca and family in Hastings/Napier for her wedding. So excited! I am
still pinching myself..this can't be true. Whoa!
Till next time...
V x
First it is New Zealand for a week... .
As I say au revoir to dear Remy on a Wednesday morning, I drive back to Redcliffe to have lunch with my Mum and brother Ray. When I get there I greet Mama a big hug and a 'Happy Birthday' and quickly got ready for lunch at Sizzlers. Some minor photo taking from Mum & me and then time to pig out with the salad buffet and drinks. Afterwards, I dropped Ray to Music, giving him more insults and a hug and then headed home with mum, to shower and get my final stuff into gear (in between facebooking and email checking)....Right time to go..
So...I get a lift to the airport from dad, mum accompanies as well. We left our place round 4pm and driving onto the Gateway Motorway, then to Deagan Devitation..through to Sandgate Road...then once we reached near Toombull Shopping centre, turning left to the free-way to the airport...then hell starts (not too bad! I am only exaggerating)... BLOODY ROAD WORKS AND 4PM TRAFFIC!
I quietly panic inside thinking oh dear I will miss my flight. Damn traffic & roadworks..when will it ever stop oh and Murphy's Law, There that's my vent.
I made it finally in like 1hr and 5mins. Saying our final good byes, Mum was slowling tagging alongside me on the way to the departures section, while Dad was yelling her to get in the car! Yes dear Mum, she's funny, doesn't want to see her li' girl go and taking a final picture of me "going inside the departures area, for her facebook."
So I go do the usual 'check-in' routine, write on the departure custom form, thru to the departure bit and before that *ah!* good ol' security. I go, have my carry-bag scanned, I go through the metal detector and then I get stopped by security, directingme to (well what I thought was an exit), but a little cubicle. YES I WAS Randomly searched. The security custom chick tells me
I have been randomly selected *pfft* I am laughing it off now so I get checked for any 'dangerous' things I may have on my clothes, items and body! WTF??????????????????????????????????? Verdict - I was let go coz I ain't Bin-ladened up.
I go to Gate 77 as my flight - Pacific Blue to Auckland is at 1830hrs....I sit on seat number 23C, an aisle seat, not too bad, I'm tiny anyway so I dont get my elbow hit by the trolley. Like every flight you go to, you will have the cabin crew '
welcoming you to the [insert areoplane name and destination] and the safety procedure if 'at anytime you experience any turberlence or unexpected bla bla...' I swear whenever I go on whatever flight I will memorise the safety procedures.
Thank you Airwaves chewing gum, my ears didn't pop as bad as it use to be whenever I travelled on a plane.When a place ascends, it really feels like its a rollacoaster ride, because of the funny sensation in your stomach, you get when you are ascending up..towards the sky and then its the same feeling when the plane descends on the tarmac.
I was glad I had my iTouch with me throughout the flight, because there was probably about 3 crying babies, screaming, squealing and their respective partents 'shhing' 'em to be quiet. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, other than that it wasn't a bad flight. Reading the Virgin Blue's 100th issue of it's air-flight reading magazine and yes it was an interesting read. I really should have taken it with me coz I could have learnt from good ol' Sir Richard Branson's tips on business (not that I do business) and that "2 out of 3 men thinks that to get attention from women is to be strong and buff" yes that was some small random fact in the
magazine. Good read.
Ten minutes til it descends, I saw the night view of Auckland city. So nice. It is 3hrs in front of Brisbane (1141pm Brisbane and 0241am Auckaland). Once the plane touched down onto the tarmac etc, then finally out of the plane, through to getting the bags from the conveyor belt, customs, I lazily walk with my trolley of luggage to the arrivals section and straight to MacDonalds..Oh how I love thy 24hr internet for 15mins max >.<>
I have another 9hrs to kill in Auckland international Airport before my next flight to Napier. Right now I feel like Tom Hank's character in the movie "The Terminal" 'living' in the airport *laughing*....and note to self, "looking at the time every 2mins isn't going to speed the time its 1130am!".
OMFG I can't believe I've done this, travelling solo and about to see my dear dear friend Rebecca and family in Hastings/Napier for her wedding. So excited! I am
still pinching myself..this can't be true. Whoa!
Till next time...
V x
Sunday, November 8, 2009
To Pack Lots or Not to Pack Lots?....that is the Question!
As mentioned in my previous blog, packing is indeed a bitch. However how much is too much to pack? Minus the little gifts to give to my friends and family overseas, how much do I really need?
Obviously packing the essentials such as my iTouch, Notebook, Camera, eyeglasses,sunglasses, cell phone and important documents (passport, tickets etc). Another obvious is packing clothes to suit the weather...napier, new zealand guess it's like melbourne spring - just a tad cooler than what brisbane spring is, where as when I reach the usa, nothern hemisphere, it will be autumn to winter so my jackets, scarves and beanies/hats (oh how much i love wearing my hats! and a perfect time to wear them!).
I am a summer gal, but the funny thing is, no matter how much I don't like the cooler months I do like snow! Just like last year in August, when I went to Queenstown, South Island of New Zealand with Neil and Lani, it sure was cold but the snow was absolutely awesome! Snowboarding is 'choice as bro!'..Now I wonder how I will survive if I ever go to Europe..yes that is my next destination to go to, hope in 2 years time.
Anyway back to the packing...Actually early Friday morning round 1am, I started to pack. All I did was got some clothes from my closet then just 'dumped' them in
my suitcase. Thinking to myself "Meh! I'll pack properly."
Yes I have a couple of days before I depart...and yes I will be cramming when it comes to packing, just like when you're cramming for a uni exam! ARGH! I really should write a list of the things I need, yea that is better so that way I don't 'overpack!'
...then when all is packed I prob think 'hang on I think I forgotten something.' If I stick to the list, it will be all right.
Right! First I'm just going to um....have a nice sunday stroll in the city, valley and when I go home
I shall pack pack pack....Pfft
V x
Obviously packing the essentials such as my iTouch, Notebook, Camera, eyeglasses,sunglasses, cell phone and important documents (passport, tickets etc). Another obvious is packing clothes to suit the weather...napier, new zealand guess it's like melbourne spring - just a tad cooler than what brisbane spring is, where as when I reach the usa, nothern hemisphere, it will be autumn to winter so my jackets, scarves and beanies/hats (oh how much i love wearing my hats! and a perfect time to wear them!).
I am a summer gal, but the funny thing is, no matter how much I don't like the cooler months I do like snow! Just like last year in August, when I went to Queenstown, South Island of New Zealand with Neil and Lani, it sure was cold but the snow was absolutely awesome! Snowboarding is 'choice as bro!'..Now I wonder how I will survive if I ever go to Europe..yes that is my next destination to go to, hope in 2 years time.
Anyway back to the packing...Actually early Friday morning round 1am, I started to pack. All I did was got some clothes from my closet then just 'dumped' them in
my suitcase. Thinking to myself "Meh! I'll pack properly."
Yes I have a couple of days before I depart...and yes I will be cramming when it comes to packing, just like when you're cramming for a uni exam! ARGH! I really should write a list of the things I need, yea that is better so that way I don't 'overpack!'
...then when all is packed I prob think 'hang on I think I forgotten something.' If I stick to the list, it will be all right.
Right! First I'm just going to um....have a nice sunday stroll in the city, valley and when I go home
I shall pack pack pack....Pfft
V x
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ho Hum O_o
Oh hum I say. Nothing in particular..just me blogging random sh*t and me procrastinating to start packing my gear for my trip. I have so much on my mind - hand in form for university, pondering in what to bring and how to pack my gear, what music I will be putting in my iTouch to gathering all my itinerary and multiple things.
Anyone willing to pack my gear for me? hahaha.
V x
Anyone willing to pack my gear for me? hahaha.
V x
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Holiday Organising
Heya all,
As you all know, I am super excited to be going overseas. If you don't know where I am heading to, I will be in Napier, New Zealand, a day back in Brisbane and then heading to the USA for a month to see relatives.
Now, since it is closer to the date I have to organise a few things
A) Travel Insurance (I'll be an idiot for not bringing one!)
B) Gifts for relatives and wedding gift and
C) Once I got 'em time to pack, pack, pack!
As the usual 'Vivian' I cram everything in the last minute. I really should write a list of what to bring *Vivi now takes note of this!* A matter of fact she is currently 'multi-tasking' - typing her blog and also jotting down the items I need for my trip!
I know I will get in a frantic mode when it comes to packing. GOSH packing is a bitch to do. Even more of a bitch when you are a GIRL! I swear all of you girls agree that packing is a difficult chore! OKay so I may be exaggerating, but packing items to go overseas, as a wish you can take your closet full of err clothes, accessories...argh! Might as well take your whole ROOM with you on your trip..trouble is...a) how'd you fit 'em in your suitcase and b) your folks/housemates will be wondering where the missing bedroom is!?!?! Good idea? No?
So, of course I will be not entirely 'fussy' but pick the things I really need to take on my trip...I really don't need 10,000 shirts (exaggerating!) on a trip. It is okay to wear some clothes for a couple of days (depending where you go i.e. if going near mud then frequent) before washing them and of course if all else for new clothes (which in realisation..adding extra kilos to a 'supposedly-already-filled-up-suitcase'...but thats my whole purpose asides from visiting friends/family shopping overseas)!
So I guess at the end it won't be too bad for me. *Sighs*
Travel insurance is getting to my head. I have to get before I leave..I will be a knob IF I don't take insurance. There are plenty of travel insurance companies round etc, however being a cheap chick I'm searching for the cheap price with good benefits. I better get that underway before it does my head in.
Gifts, I am stuck for gift ideas for my cousins in Jacksonville, Florida..any ideas? One is for a belated 16th b/day present while the other is just for the sake of getting one for her, as well as the rest of the relatives I am seeing. Don't get me wrong I like to give people gifts. It just gets difficult at times of WHAT type of things your friend/family is into. Sometimes I have a some idea to give and I go with my gut instinct. I also get this vibe of when getting a gift. You can't rush in the last minute (i.e. 30mins before you are at her b/day party or wedding) because it doesn't have any meaning behind to why you brought it. I will eventually find them a gift.
..And back to the frantic part...I have little time, and I am working so it's going to be 'cram-everything-before-I-go-packing!'
V x
As you all know, I am super excited to be going overseas. If you don't know where I am heading to, I will be in Napier, New Zealand, a day back in Brisbane and then heading to the USA for a month to see relatives.
Now, since it is closer to the date I have to organise a few things
A) Travel Insurance (I'll be an idiot for not bringing one!)
B) Gifts for relatives and wedding gift and
C) Once I got 'em time to pack, pack, pack!
As the usual 'Vivian' I cram everything in the last minute. I really should write a list of what to bring *Vivi now takes note of this!* A matter of fact she is currently 'multi-tasking' - typing her blog and also jotting down the items I need for my trip!
I know I will get in a frantic mode when it comes to packing. GOSH packing is a bitch to do. Even more of a bitch when you are a GIRL! I swear all of you girls agree that packing is a difficult chore! OKay so I may be exaggerating, but packing items to go overseas, as a wish you can take your closet full of err clothes, accessories...argh! Might as well take your whole ROOM with you on your trip..trouble is...a) how'd you fit 'em in your suitcase and b) your folks/housemates will be wondering where the missing bedroom is!?!?! Good idea? No?
So, of course I will be not entirely 'fussy' but pick the things I really need to take on my trip...I really don't need 10,000 shirts (exaggerating!) on a trip. It is okay to wear some clothes for a couple of days (depending where you go i.e. if going near mud then frequent) before washing them and of course if all else for new clothes (which in realisation..adding extra kilos to a 'supposedly-already-filled-up-suitcase'...but thats my whole purpose asides from visiting friends/family shopping overseas)!
So I guess at the end it won't be too bad for me. *Sighs*
Travel insurance is getting to my head. I have to get before I leave..I will be a knob IF I don't take insurance. There are plenty of travel insurance companies round etc, however being a cheap chick I'm searching for the cheap price with good benefits. I better get that underway before it does my head in.
Gifts, I am stuck for gift ideas for my cousins in Jacksonville, Florida..any ideas? One is for a belated 16th b/day present while the other is just for the sake of getting one for her, as well as the rest of the relatives I am seeing. Don't get me wrong I like to give people gifts. It just gets difficult at times of WHAT type of things your friend/family is into. Sometimes I have a some idea to give and I go with my gut instinct. I also get this vibe of when getting a gift. You can't rush in the last minute (i.e. 30mins before you are at her b/day party or wedding) because it doesn't have any meaning behind to why you brought it. I will eventually find them a gift.
..And back to the frantic part...I have little time, and I am working so it's going to be 'cram-everything-before-I-go-packing!'
V x
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