Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A change in the air

I have been thinking about this for a year, and yet i have procrastinated instead of ":doing what i say!" Instead i chose the option of "saying it than physically doing it!" I was at work pondering about my life in between nursing work...thinking after almost 3yrs i want to go and do something else! hrm a ballerina? a strip dancer? a lawyer? a doctor?
The pros and cons of the jobs, yet it all comes to your passion in the job, money (hey can't lie hey?!) whether you like working alone or with people or animals etc...

Like many people there are the jobs you have dreamt of since being young! Once you are an adult you realise that the 'dream job' may not be as what you thought it would be or that its blatantly not really a job that suits you. wtf?
I am a girl so of course i dreamt of being a celebrity, Miss Universe (watching too much teen miss usa, miss universe, miss world..thanks mum!), the next Nigella Lawson or the female version of Jamie Oliver! a doctor, an actress or an air hostess! There have been times that i would like to be an M.D (medical doctor) but the extra studies for it i honestly don't have the patience. I do like working with people, however i feel i have the itch to do something else other than nursing. Of course nursing does have interesting things to see, hear, do and learn. It sure is amazing that there are certain things that makes the human body an AMAZING body with all the things jabbed, injected, fed you name it!

There are plenty of courses out there, yet some courses are pricey and then other times you think, at the end of the course 'can you really do this ?'

The careers i've wanted to do: -
I found Legal studies @ high school very interesting about law in australia and the point i wanted to be a Liar..*ahem* lawyer. Shows like Alley McBeal, Boston Legal, Criminal Minds etc made me think about getting in to legal jobs...not all glitz and glamour like on the t.v's and i know its bloody hard work and cases need to reflect on similar cases throughout the years. Then again i am not a huge debator etc so i think ill just leave it to the experts who are in the legal job.

Air Hostess
(or cabin crew)
Since i got on the Philippine Airline aged 4, on the way to New Zealand i was curious and fascinated on the cabin crew taking care of us in the long flight to New Zealand. They look beautiful, immaculate, perfume smelling (or colonge ..yes men dont wear purfume!), cute heels and uniform. I wanted to be one. I use to pretend i was an air hostess with my teddy bears/ dolls in my 'pretend airplane!'. Not until i was older there were requirements of being one! Well i could always work as a ground staff! :D

Miss Universe/ Model
Like majority of young girls, idolising slender pretty women, catwalking on victoria secrets or Miss Universe. Ahh what a lift! Fashion magazines, catwalks, high life..well not all the time. Hard work..seriously hard work to be stick thin!....Slender and as we's a completely different story. plus height wise..if they do a petite modelling i'm lining up! lol.

Yea in medical field...usual stigma for parents to sugguest to their children to become a Doctor. Its a hard job to learn and then where's the social life? There are also times i would like to be a surgeon..then again studying for long periods..ill be bored!

Fashion Designer
At one stage i'd be fun but too much competition and hard work and creativity. I mean i am creative at times but i think it does take a certain person to be one.

Well I will b searching for a while till i find something that really interests me and hope fully has something towards the end of the course!


V xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vivi, yeah it's hard to find a career that's "just right"! It seems that good pay, hard work and extra study just can't be separated!
