o the strict RyanAir hand carry-on bag rules. I was stubborn...until we took off in the plane, I realised "shit we are going to walk a lot especially on uneven surfaces...should have!"
We departed early from Rémy's place for a 1hour and 30mins drive to Brussel's Airport - Charleroi. Got there at about 7am and had our petit déjeuner before heading to the boarding gates. RyanAir's annoying 'only 10kg, including handbag (if you're a girl) into the hand carry-on bag and then 5 metres ahead had to then re-open up my case for inspection and through the security check..dammit..PLUS I had to take my boots off for inspection as well. Left the airport at about 9:30am and touched down at Madrid Bajas International Airport at about 11:30am. We took the metro and stopped at Gran Via Station, which is close to the main 'calle' Gran Via. Wow busy and big..people everywhere and looked for our hotel - Vincci Capitol on Gran Via..wasn't far from the station - about a 5min walk. Once we found it, didn't realise there was a metro station close by - Callao. Could have stopped there if we knew.
Checked-in our hotel and was surprised that the staff member even offered us if we wanted to up-grade to a room, 'where the view is better.' 60€ extra so I decided 'yeah, why not.'
Habitación 806: Beautiful view and room was in a 360degree shape. One end was the bath, the opposite was the shower and toilet and in the middle was the bathroom vanity and then the room. The windows were placed in a semi-circle and therefore saw the view of Gran Via aka the Broadway of Madrid..we even got lollies (the substitute of chocolates) on our bed. It was nice. We were amazed with our room and the view.

Headed out to have lunch at Pans & Company - a mixture of subways and MacDonald. With our trusty Lonely Planet map of Madrid (with thanks to Rémy to organise the places to visit) and we headed out to Puerta del Sol then Place de Mayor and then afterwards to the Royal Palace, where King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia use to reside. Unfortunately cameras where prohibited so you just have to come over to see it yourself. An enormous palace and not all rooms where the same size, colour. It was very extravagant and amazing as to how the monarchy back in the days were able to afford all the luxury and extravagance of items there. Its a place to get ideas if you plan on renovating your place to something majestic as this (and of course at a cheaper price!)
Night falls in Madrid its party time. Rémy & I had tapas upon tapas with cervezas y vinos and ended up at a nightclub, which I am surprised that I can remember up to this date! Mixed drinks = huge hangover.
Saturday I spent sulking in bed, as if it was the end of the world for me. Finally got up at about 14:30 (as to much of Rémy's disgust)and headed out to a place to eat, which I was still queasy and only had a drink of coke and tea. After we took the metro Plaza de España to another part of Madrid and went to visit the Museo Reina Sofía and went to see Picasso's famous artwork "La Guernica" and his other art and sculptures...I got in trouble taking a photo, but anywhere else in the museum you could. Whoops.
On the way back to our hotel had more tapas and then went back to our posh room for a while before heading back out. We decided to have an early night..failed as we ended up leaving one of the night clubs at 3:30am and went to bed at 4am.
Sunday morning, a beautiful sunny (yet cool) day. Had a buffet breakfast at the hotel, got ready and then headed out to the metro and went to another museum - The Prado Museum. Another great place to visit while in Madrid..another huge place (like many other famous buildings in Madrid). We went there to see more art works from the famous Goya, Valézquez, Rubens and other famous artist...yup my feet were hurting. I was kicking myself for NOT bringing non-heeled shoes that whenever I saw a vacant seat I went to sit down for 5 - 10 mins before heading to the other parts of the museum. At the same time, I thought of just 'suck it up bitch,' which worked for a while then I felt the pain in my feet..again. Walking in uneven paths or cobble stones made it worst hahaha.
Sunday evening we booked a table to see a Flamenco show at Villa Rosa. Shared a bottle of rosé and had entrée or jamon before having the traditional Paella during the flamenco. The show was full of emotion but amazing. Olé! After the 1 hour show we had a 'chupito' of agwa before departing. Spent a few minutes at another bar to drink before resting it up at the hotel.
The last day we had the breakfast buffet at our hotel. Regardless it was out last day here, I gave up and brought a pair of non-heeled shoes, lucky on sale black Adidas shoes..thank gosh! My feet can now rest! We got ready and headed to Real Madrid Stadium - Estadio Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid.
Footballer stars - Beckham, Zinedine, Rolando, Castillas just to name a few have or are currently played in one of the best teams. Saw the museum, it's history of the stadium, the team and how it is not just football but for other sports within the city.It was great to see the Barcelona F.C's rivalry team. It was a great day out, especially when it was another sunny day. Headed back to the main centre of Madrid and watched the finals of the Australian Open at a Tapas bar. One of the longest games in history, as we started watching it while getting ready and then after sight-seeing in Bernabéu, it was still going..both players Nadal and Djokovic are excellent..but the almost 6 hour game..Djokovic claimed the title...Nadal was of course annoyed he lost but still he made it to the finals.
Our last evening ended up packing for a while, had a nap before having our final 'tapas.'
We left early to catch the 7:30am flight..nevertheless the flight had a 'technical problem' we left at 9:30am and reached Charleroi Brussels at 11:30am.
Had a wonderful stay and having up-graded the room made the stay better haha. Will definitly come back for another stay....
....with comfortable shoes next time.